Tag: TodayFM

  • Trust in media unusually high in Ireland

    Trust in media unusually high in Ireland

    This article first appeared in Village magazine, July 2017 edition In the wake of the Jobstown trial, a lot of commentary followed on both power of social media to influence outcomes, and the credibility (or lack of same) of “mainstream” media in reporting accurately. Perhaps predictably, most of the commentary seemed to reinforce already existing…

  • Class Action: Anti-tabloid bias in Irish radio

    Class Action: Anti-tabloid bias in Irish radio

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, December 2015 edition Irish news radio programming shows a strong anti-tabloid bias in selecting contributors, according to an examination of survey data from the three main broadcasters earlier this year. Journalists interviewed by the stations’ news programmes and participating on panels came overwhelmingly from the…