Tag: media

  • Fake news and audio online: 2016’s lessons for moribund media

    Fake news and audio online: 2016’s lessons for moribund media

    This article first appeared in Village magazine, December 2016 edition At the beginning of 2016, the two expected major new issues in media circles were 3D/VR immersive technologies, and podcasting. A lot has changed since then. Virtual reality/3D is still in the earliest stages of development – and may not ever evolve beyond a gimmick…

  • Copyright Reform: A pyrrhic victory for old media

    An edited version of this article first appeared in Village magazine, October 2016 edition Outline proposals for a modernised Irish copyright regime announced by enterprise minister Mary Mitchell-O’Connor at the beginning of August are now dead in the water, following the publication of draft directives by the European Commission in mid-September. The European plans, championed…

  • Murdoch on the radio

    Murdoch on the radio

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, July 2016 edition Rupert Murdoch’s proposed move to buy up the Wireless Group (formerly UTV’s non-television assets) as June drew to a close has livened up the Irish radio market with the introduction of a sharp new player. With a cash offer of 315p per…

  • MoJoCon: Journalism by mobile

    MoJoCon: Journalism by mobile

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, March 2016 edition MoJoCon – the Mobile Journalism Conference which debuted in Dublin last year – has its roots almost a decade ago, when Glen Mulcahy, then working with RTE Nuacht, began experimenting with the camera on his Nokia N93 smartphone. “Video quality was atrociously…

  • Election Times

    Election Times

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, March 2016 edition The story of an election is much more than a few headlines, but the Irish Times front pages, absent of the kind of blatantly partisan positioning seen in its Talbot Street rival, provide in hindsight a neat narrative of the campaign, with…

  • Ad Blocking: The next threat to Irish newspapers

    Ad Blocking: The next threat to Irish newspapers

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, December 2015 edition A few years ago, as print media watched their subscription and circulation plummet, digital advocates were fond of reciting Clay Shirky’s adage that “no medium can survive the indifference of 25 year olds.” The advocates had a simple solution. Readers didn’t care…

  • Class Action: Anti-tabloid bias in Irish radio

    Class Action: Anti-tabloid bias in Irish radio

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, December 2015 edition Irish news radio programming shows a strong anti-tabloid bias in selecting contributors, according to an examination of survey data from the three main broadcasters earlier this year. Journalists interviewed by the stations’ news programmes and participating on panels came overwhelmingly from the…

  • Times v Times: Battle of the Apps

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, September 2015 edition UX. It’s not the name of a planet in a sci-fi summer spectacular, but an abbreviation for the rather mundane concept of “user experience”. For internet companies, UX is an integral part of the product. Done well, it’s invisible. The interplay of…

  • A little misleading: How newspapers confound sales and readership

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, September 2015 edition One statistic shows the problem with the readership statistics collected by Newsbrands Ireland (formerly National Newspapers of Ireland) in the most recent survey of Irish newspaper readers. Ten percent. That’s how much Irish Times readership is reported to have increased in the…

  • John Murray goes quiet

    An edited version of this article appeared in Village magazine, July 2015 edition The announcement was brief and to the point. After five years, RTÉ announced, John Murray would no longer be presenting the his Radio 1 weekday morning show from Friday 3 July. “The John Murray Show will come to a close,” the RTÉ…