Green party senator Dan Boyle has tweeted that there is “too much speculation and not enough fact at the moment” about the IMF negotiations.
“There are stories I know are not true and some I’m hoping are not true,” he said.

But in response to a query from a Newstalk broadcaster about which stories were true, he was unable to give an answer, simply answering that the government would “make calls but I’m convinced many stories are being planted to force us to accept worst possible deals.”
“We always have choice. It’s the consequences of making those choices we have to consider,” he added.
And he did not answer a query from this reporter asking which stories he knew to be untrue.
The senator later said some stories were “leaked by ‘government’ sources, but in this situation I believe the government is being more leaked against.”
Other tweeters joined in the conversation, asking if the leaks — such as a reported interest rate of 6.7 percent interest charge some bailout on loans — were being planted by the government to make themselves look good when a final, lower rate is announced.
Comedian Morgan C Jones, who earlier this week organised the #YoureFFired silent protest outside Dáil Éireann, chimed in to add “So reassuring to see you have such a firm grasp on things.”
And Liam Garvey tweeted to the senator: “Get real. It’s not a conspiracy, its reality knocking on the door, about time you and your colleagues got head out of asses.”